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A Poem from Depths

Crashing into me

crushing the bones of me

fire snakes through my body

unrelenting and



Where are you, Lord?

Have you deserted me for ever?


Why so downcast, O my soul?


I have nothing left.


Into the depths of deep,

the cavernous abyss of incessant and inexorable



Where are you, my Lord?

Have you deserted me forever?


Yet in the deepest depths is the deepest depth

the mystery of who you are

waiting for me

knowing me.


You are here

inhabiting my agony and spreading your arms ever wider

than I could ever envisage


The deepest depth in the deepest depths

shards of light puncture my darkness

A million suns blaze through the murk

and you are here.


You left glory and sunk into depths

my depths

Deep calls unto deep.


Why so downcast, O my soul?



I will praise.



Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash
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