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Catching Contentment – Giveaway!

It’s almost a week since I came out of hospital, and I’m gaining a little strength every day, though it’s taking much longer than I’d like. There were two things I wanted to do on publication day and couldn’t, so I’m doing them now. Only 3 weeks late 🙂 Both of these things feel quite bittersweet, with the taste of disappointment still so stark, but they are just two small things to celebrate something I was unable to celebrate in the way I’d have loved to.

The first was to have a photo with the book! I kind of did it anyway, but a rough looking hospital bed pose with my Kindle just doesn’t quite cut it, because it isn’t the real book. So here goes.

The second was to give away a signed and personalised copy. I’d love to do this so much that I have not one, but two copies to give away, and I’d love one of you to win this! All you have to do is sign up to my mailing list in the form below, or if you’re already a member leave a message in the comments, and I will draw names out of a hat next week. I even have a turquoise pen to sign them – of course!

{The third, of course, is to drink champagne and eat cake with family and friends, and I will do that as much as I can over the next few weeks, don’t you worry 🙂 Just as soon as these drugs have left my system – they are dragging their feet rather too much.)

'Read if you need encouragement. Read if you need challenging. This is a powerful and unmissable book.' Want to win a signed and personalised copy of #CatchingContentment by @LizCarterWriter? Share on X

Here are some of the things people have been saying about Catching Contentment:

‘If you don’t have this book, get it! It’s a game-changer.’ – Sara

Read if you need encouragement. Read if you need challenging. This is a powerful and unmissable book.‘ – David

It is well written, intelligent, and rooted in scripture . The author dares to voice the reality of living with circumstances that are overwhelming whilst still having a deep and personal faith.’ – Nicky

I can’t recommend this book highly enough. I am sure that anyone who chooses to read this book will be blessed by it as I have been.’ – Vicki

‘I honestly don’t know if I have ever read a book which has made God’s love so real to me, and made me desire to know him so much better, while still being a really compelling read.’ – Abby

‘I would wholeheartedly recommend this book and will definitely be purchasing more for church study groups. If you buy just one book on the subject of illness / disability / healing / faith and any link of those subjects, this should be the one.’ – Charlotte

If you want to see more reviews, both endorsements and customer reviews, have a look here.

In the meantime, sign up to my list or leave a comment to win a signed copy!

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  1. Matt Elofson

    So glad you’re on the mend and back at home!
    Already signed up! And the book looks great! Encouragement and contentment would be great in this season of life I’m in right now.

    • liz

      Thanks Matt. Praying you know that encouragement today. (Have your book ready to send, all packaged up, so you’ll get it soon!) 🙂

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